# Greed **Hi, I'm Tech Capo and this is the second post in my Blog Chain** *Trigger Warning: personal, cringe, self-flagellation* --- I first heard of Bitcoin during the 2014 bull run, my friend told me how his magic internet money keeps multiplying. He was impressed with the tech (or the libertarian vibes) but I didn't get it, I was sceptical, yet deep in my heart I was jealous of his success. I thought OK, I missed this. Couple months later he came up with a scheme: collect $50 from friends, buy a whole bitcoin, spend it all on a single party in two years time. A shady bar or a trip to Hawaii, let Fortuna decide. FOMO is king so I chipped in and forgot about it. I took a course on Bitcoin in 2015, grokked the tech and got my mind blown. 1. you can organise lotteries without a central coordinator 2. you can ask the winner to maintain a ledger in exchange for the prize Clever. Did I buy bitcoin, though? No, the implications went over my head. When the 2017 bull began we threw the Bitcoin party, just a small one because we were nerds and didn't know how to throw a big one. Bored Apes weren't around back then to teach the crypto-rich how to splurge. We split what was left and I bought more with lucky timing. --- See that's how I got into crypto. Greed and FOMO. The Bible told me I shall not covet yet I did and now I'm rich by ex-communist country standards. And yet. I don't feel rich -- precisely because I covet. I love NFTs and I hate NFT traders with a burning holy rage. The pump-n-dumps, the Ponzis breeding greed in suckers to extract "passive income". And yet. In my heart of hearts I know I hate them because I recognise my own greed in them. My self-rightous crusade against Bored Apes is a veil blinding myself to my own bottomless greed. Do I hate the grifters for desacrating my father's house by inscribing derivatives onto Bitcoin or do I envy their success and resent myself for missing out? ![El Capo - Driving the NFT Traders from the Temple] (ord://73407b96e0192ceb1a713d240d44457cda23acf0799d4c213eccd5f20f4e2a8di0) Greed is wrong so I banish it to the netherworld of my mind where it festers and grows. I am jealous of those who live their greed and I come up with justifications for hating them. Greed is fine, actually. It's OK to want freedom for my family. I will bring my greed into the light. I will love my greed, pacify it, dissolve it. I will become a whole human. --- *This is a blog chain. I'm linking the previous blog post at the end of each blog post. Here's the true story of my own Genesis:* [prev blog - Genesis] (ord://7fd7d6f39b8b0322a6f4b818970b4d7e52a7595cd90fc1cf473ebe59ee6d62ffi0)